Source code for plotlywrapper

"""Plotlywrapper: to make easy plots easy to make."""

from typing import Generator, Optional

from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile

import plotly.offline as py
import plotly.graph_objs as go
from plotly.basedatatypes import BaseTraceType  # pylint: disable=no-name-in-module,import-error

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

__version__ = '0.2.0-dev'

    Figure = go.FigureWidget
except AttributeError:
    Figure = go.Figure

def _labels(base='trace') -> Generator[str, None, None]:
    i = 0
    while True:
        yield base + ' ' + str(i)
        i += 1

def _detect_notebook() -> bool:
    """Detect if code is running in a Jupyter Notebook.

    This isn't 100% correct but seems good enough

        True if it detects this is a notebook, otherwise False.

        from IPython import get_ipython
        from ipykernel import zmqshell
    except ImportError:
        return False
    kernel = get_ipython()
        from spyder.utils.ipython.spyder_kernel import SpyderKernel

        if isinstance(kernel.kernel, SpyderKernel):
            return False
    except (ImportError, AttributeError):
    return isinstance(kernel, zmqshell.ZMQInteractiveShell)

def _merge_layout(x: go.Layout, y: go.Layout) -> go.Layout:
    """Merge attributes from two layouts."""
    xjson = x.to_plotly_json()
    yjson = y.to_plotly_json()
    if 'shapes' in yjson and 'shapes' in xjson:
        xjson['shapes'] += yjson['shapes']
    return go.Layout(yjson)

def _try_pydatetime(x):
    """Try to convert to pandas objects to datetimes.

    Plotly doesn't know how to handle them.
        # for datetimeindex
        x = [y.isoformat() for y in x.to_pydatetime()]
    except AttributeError:
        # for generic series
        x = [y.isoformat() for y in x.dt.to_pydatetime()]
    except AttributeError:
    return x

[docs]class Chart(Figure): """Plotly chart base class. Usually this object will get created by from a function. """ def __init__(self, data=None, layout=None): """Create a chart.""" super().__init__(data=data, layout=layout) def __add__(self, other): """Add another chart or plot type to this chart.""" # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init if isinstance(other, Chart): self.add_traces( self.layout = _merge_layout(self.layout, other.layout) elif isinstance(other, BaseTraceType): self.add_trace(other) elif isinstance(other, go.Layout): self.layout = _merge_layout(self.layout, other) else: raise ValueError('Cannot add {} to Chart'.format(other)) return self def __radd__(self, other): """Add another chart or plot type to this chart.""" return self.__add__(other)
[docs] def group(self): """Set bar graph display mode to "grouped". Returns ------- Chart """ self.layout.barmode = 'group' return self
[docs] def stack(self): """Set bar graph display mode to "stacked". Returns ------- Chart """ self.layout.barmode = 'stack' return self
[docs] def legend(self, visible=True): """Make legend visible. Parameters ---------- visible : bool, optional Returns ------- Chart """ self.layout.showlegend = visible return self
@property def xlabel(self): """Xaxis Label.""" return self.layout.xaxis.title @xlabel.setter def xlabel(self, label): self.layout.xaxis.title = label @property def ylabel(self): """Left Yaxis Label.""" return self.layout.yaxis.title @ylabel.setter def ylabel(self, label): self.layout.yaxis.title = label @property def zlabel(self): """Zaxis Label.""" return self.layout.zaxis.title @zlabel.setter def zlabel(self, label): self.layout.zaxis.title = label
[docs] def closest(self): """Set hovermode to closest. """ self.layout.hovermode = 'closest' return self
[docs] def xcompare(self): """Set hovermode to compare along x axis. """ self.layout.hovermode = 'x' return self
[docs] def ycompare(self): """Set hovermode to compare along y axis. """ self.layout.hovermode = 'y' return self
[docs] def xtickangle(self, angle): """Set the angle of the x-axis tick labels. Parameters ---------- value : int Angle in degrees Returns ------- Chart """ self.layout.xaxis.tickangle = angle return self
[docs] def ytickangle(self, angle, index=1): """Set the angle of the y-axis tick labels. Parameters ---------- value : int Angle in degrees index : int, optional Y-axis index Returns ------- Chart """ self.layout['yaxis' + str(index)]['tickangle'] = angle return self
[docs] def xlabelsize(self, size): """Set the size of the label. Parameters ---------- size : int Returns ------- Chart """ self.layout['xaxis']['titlefont']['size'] = size return self
[docs] def ylabelsize(self, size, index=1): """Set the size of the label. Parameters ---------- size : int Returns ------- Chart """ self.layout['yaxis' + str(index)]['titlefont']['size'] = size return self
[docs] def xticksize(self, size): """Set the tick font size. Parameters ---------- size : int Returns ------- Chart """ self.layout['xaxis']['tickfont']['size'] = size return self
[docs] def yticksize(self, size, index=1): """Set the tick font size. Parameters ---------- size : int Returns ------- Chart """ self.layout['yaxis' + str(index)]['tickfont']['size'] = size return self
[docs] def ytickvals(self, values, index=1): """Set the tick values. Parameters ---------- values : array-like Returns ------- Chart """ self.layout['yaxis' + str(index)]['tickvals'] = values return self
[docs] def yticktext(self, labels, index=1): """Set the tick labels. Parameters ---------- labels : array-like Returns ------- Chart """ self.layout['yaxis' + str(index)]['ticktext'] = labels return self
[docs] def xlim(self, low, high): """Set xaxis limits. Parameters ---------- low : number high : number Returns ------- Chart """ self.layout['xaxis']['range'] = [low, high] return self
[docs] def ylim(self, low, high, index=1): """Set yaxis limits. Parameters ---------- low : number high : number index : int, optional Returns ------- Chart """ self.layout['yaxis' + str(index)]['range'] = [low, high] return self
[docs] def xdtick(self, dtick): """Set the tick distance.""" self.layout.xaxis.dtick = dtick return self
[docs] def ydtick(self, dtick, index=1): """Set the tick distance.""" self.layout['yaxis' + str(index)]['dtick'] = dtick return self
[docs] def xnticks(self, nticks): """Set the number of ticks.""" self.layout.xaxis.nticks = nticks return self
[docs] def ynticks(self, nticks, index=1): """Set the number of ticks.""" self.layout['yaxis' + str(index)]['nticks'] = nticks return self
[docs] def yaxis_left(self, index=1): """Put the yaxis on the left hand side. Parameters ---------- index : int, optional Returns ------- Chart """ self.layout['yaxis' + str(index)]['side'] = 'left'
[docs] def yaxis_right(self, index=1): """Put the yaxis on the right hand side. Parameters ---------- index : int, optional Returns ------- Chart """ self.layout['yaxis' + str(index)]['side'] = 'right'
[docs] def show( self, filename: Optional[str] = None, show_link: bool = True, auto_open: bool = True, detect_notebook: bool = True, ) -> None: """Display the chart. Parameters ---------- filename : str, optional Save plot to this filename, otherwise it's saved to a temporary file. show_link : bool, optional Show link to plotly. auto_open : bool, optional Automatically open the plot (in the browser). detect_notebook : bool, optional Try to detect if we're running in a notebook. """ kargs = {} if detect_notebook and _detect_notebook(): py.init_notebook_mode() plot = py.iplot else: plot = py.plot if filename is None: filename = NamedTemporaryFile(prefix='plotly', suffix='.html', delete=False).name kargs['filename'] = filename kargs['auto_open'] = auto_open plot(self, show_link=show_link, **kargs)
[docs] def save( self, filename: Optional[str] = None, show_link: bool = True, auto_open: bool = False, output: str = 'file', plotlyjs: bool = True, ) -> str: """Save the chart to an html file.""" if filename is None: filename = NamedTemporaryFile(prefix='plotly', suffix='.html', delete=False).name # NOTE: this doesn't work for output 'div' py.plot( self, show_link=show_link, filename=filename, auto_open=auto_open, output_type=output, include_plotlyjs=plotlyjs, ) return filename
@property def dict(self): """Convert Chart to a dict.""" return self.to_dict()
def spark_shape(points, shapes, fill=None, color='blue', width=5, yindex=0, heights=None): """TODO: Docstring for spark. Parameters ---------- points : array-like shapes : array-like fill : array-like, optional Returns ------- Chart """ assert len(points) == len(shapes) + 1 data = [{'marker': {'color': 'white'}, 'x': [points[0], points[-1]], 'y': [yindex, yindex]}] if fill is None: fill = [False] * len(shapes) if heights is None: heights = [0.4] * len(shapes) lays = [] for i, (shape, height) in enumerate(zip(shapes, heights)): if shape is None: continue if fill[i]: fillcolor = color else: fillcolor = 'white' lays.append( dict( type=shape, x0=points[i], x1=points[i + 1], y0=yindex - height, y1=yindex + height, xref='x', yref='y', fillcolor=fillcolor, line=dict(color=color, width=width), ) ) layout = dict(shapes=lays) return Chart(data=data, layout=layout)
[docs]def vertical(x, ymin=0, ymax=1, color=None, width=None, dash=None, opacity=None): """Draws a vertical line from `ymin` to `ymax`. Parameters ---------- xmin : int, optional xmax : int, optional color : str, optional width : number, optional Returns ------- Chart """ lineattr = {} if color: lineattr['color'] = color if width: lineattr['width'] = width if dash: lineattr['dash'] = dash layout = dict( shapes=[dict(type='line', x0=x, x1=x, y0=ymin, y1=ymax, opacity=opacity, line=lineattr)] ) return Chart(layout=layout)
[docs]def horizontal(y, xmin=0, xmax=1, color=None, width=None, dash=None, opacity=None): """Draws a horizontal line from `xmin` to `xmax`. Parameters ---------- xmin : int, optional xmax : int, optional color : str, optional width : number, optional Returns ------- Chart """ lineattr = {} if color: lineattr['color'] = color if width: lineattr['width'] = width if dash: lineattr['dash'] = dash layout = dict( shapes=[dict(type='line', x0=xmin, x1=xmax, y0=y, y1=y, opacity=opacity, line=lineattr)] ) return Chart(layout=layout)
[docs]def line( x=None, y=None, label=None, color=None, width=None, dash=None, opacity=None, mode='lines+markers', yaxis=1, fill=None, text="", markersize=6, ): """Draws connected dots. Parameters ---------- x : array-like, optional y : array-like, optional label : array-like, optional Returns ------- Chart """ assert x is not None or y is not None, "x or y must be something" yn = 'y' + str(yaxis) lineattr = {} if color: lineattr['color'] = color if width: lineattr['width'] = width if dash: lineattr['dash'] = dash if y is None: y = x x = None if x is None: x = np.arange(len(y)) else: x = _try_pydatetime(x) x = np.atleast_1d(x) y = np.atleast_1d(y) assert x.shape[0] == y.shape[0] if y.ndim == 2: if not hasattr(label, '__iter__'): if label is None: label = _labels() else: label = _labels(label) data = [ go.Scatter( x=x, y=yy, name=ll, line=lineattr, mode=mode, text=text, fill=fill, opacity=opacity, yaxis=yn, marker=dict(size=markersize, opacity=opacity), ) for ll, yy in zip(label, y.T) ] else: data = [ go.Scatter( x=x, y=y, name=label, line=lineattr, mode=mode, text=text, fill=fill, opacity=opacity, yaxis=yn, marker=dict(size=markersize, opacity=opacity), ) ] if yaxis == 1: return Chart(data=data) return Chart(data=data, layout={'yaxis' + str(yaxis): dict(overlaying='y')})
[docs]def line3d( x, y, z, label=None, color=None, width=None, dash=None, opacity=None, mode='lines+markers' ): """Create a 3d line chart.""" x = np.atleast_1d(x) y = np.atleast_1d(y) z = np.atleast_1d(z) assert x.shape == y.shape assert y.shape == z.shape lineattr = {} if color: lineattr['color'] = color if width: lineattr['width'] = width if dash: lineattr['dash'] = dash if y.ndim == 2: if not hasattr(label, '__iter__'): if label is None: label = _labels() else: label = _labels(label) data = [ go.Scatter3d(x=xx, y=yy, z=zz, name=ll, line=lineattr, mode=mode, opacity=opacity) for ll, xx, yy, zz in zip(label, x.T, y.T, z.T) ] else: data = [go.Scatter3d(x=x, y=y, z=z, name=label, line=lineattr, mode=mode, opacity=opacity)] return Chart(data=data)
[docs]def scatter3d(x, y, z, label=None, color=None, width=None, dash=None, opacity=None, mode='markers'): """Create a 3D scatter Plot. Parameters ---------- x : array-like data on x-dimension y : array-like data on y-dimension z : array-like data on z-dimension label : TODO, optional mode : 'group' or 'stack', default 'group' opacity : TODO, optional Returns ------- Chart """ x = np.atleast_1d(x) y = np.atleast_1d(y) z = np.atleast_1d(z) assert x.shape == y.shape assert y.shape == z.shape lineattr = {} if color: lineattr['color'] = color if width: lineattr['width'] = width if dash: lineattr['dash'] = dash if y.ndim == 2: if not hasattr(label, '__iter__'): if label is None: label = _labels() else: label = _labels(label) data = [ go.Scatter3d(x=xx, y=yy, z=zz, name=ll, line=lineattr, mode=mode, opacity=opacity) for ll, xx, yy, zz in zip(label, x.T, y.T, z.T) ] else: data = [go.Scatter3d(x=x, y=y, z=z, name=label, line=lineattr, mode=mode, opacity=opacity)] return Chart(data=data)
[docs]def scatter( x=None, y=None, label=None, color=None, width=None, dash=None, opacity=None, markersize=6, yaxis=1, fill=None, text="", mode='markers', ): """Draws dots. Parameters ---------- x : array-like, optional y : array-like, optional label : array-like, optional Returns ------- Chart """ return line( x=x, y=y, label=label, color=color, width=width, dash=dash, opacity=opacity, mode=mode, yaxis=yaxis, fill=fill, text=text, markersize=markersize, )
[docs]def bar(x=None, y=None, label=None, mode='group', yaxis=1, opacity=None): """Create a bar chart. Parameters ---------- x : array-like, optional y : TODO, optional label : TODO, optional mode : 'group' or 'stack', default 'group' opacity : TODO, optional Returns ------- Chart A Chart with bar graph data. """ assert x is not None or y is not None, "x or y must be something" yn = 'y' + str(yaxis) if y is None: y = x x = None if x is None: x = np.arange(len(y)) else: x = _try_pydatetime(x) x = np.atleast_1d(x) y = np.atleast_1d(y) if y.ndim == 2: if not hasattr(label, '__iter__'): if label is None: label = _labels() else: label = _labels(label) data = [go.Bar(x=x, y=yy, name=ll, yaxis=yn, opacity=opacity) for ll, yy in zip(label, y.T)] else: data = [go.Bar(x=x, y=y, name=label, yaxis=yn, opacity=opacity)] if yaxis == 1: return Chart(data=data, layout={'barmode': mode}) return Chart(data=data, layout={'barmode': mode, 'yaxis' + str(yaxis): dict(overlaying='y')})
[docs]def heatmap(z, x=None, y=None, colorscale='Viridis'): """Create a heatmap. Parameters ---------- z : TODO x : TODO, optional y : TODO, optional colorscale : TODO, optional Returns ------- Chart """ z = np.atleast_1d(z) data = [go.Heatmap(z=z, x=x, y=y, colorscale=colorscale)] return Chart(data=data)
[docs]def fill_zero( x=None, y=None, label=None, color=None, width=None, dash=None, opacity=None, mode='lines+markers', **kargs ): """Fill to zero. Parameters ---------- x : array-like, optional y : TODO, optional label : TODO, optional Returns ------- Chart """ return line( x=x, y=y, label=label, color=color, width=width, dash=dash, opacity=opacity, mode=mode, fill='tozeroy', **kargs )
[docs]def fill_between( x=None, ylow=None, yhigh=None, label=None, color=None, width=None, dash=None, opacity=None, mode='lines+markers', **kargs ): """Fill between `ylow` and `yhigh`. Parameters ---------- x : array-like, optional ylow : TODO, optional yhigh : TODO, optional Returns ------- Chart """ plot = line( x=x, y=ylow, label=label, color=color, width=width, dash=dash, opacity=opacity, mode=mode, fill=None, **kargs ) plot += line( x=x, y=yhigh, label=label, color=color, width=width, dash=dash, opacity=opacity, mode=mode, fill='tonexty', **kargs ) return plot
[docs]def rug(x, label=None, opacity=None): """Rug chart. Parameters ---------- x : array-like, optional label : TODO, optional opacity : TODO, optional Returns ------- Chart """ x = _try_pydatetime(x) x = np.atleast_1d(x) data = [ go.Scatter( x=x, y=np.ones_like(x), name=label, opacity=opacity, mode='markers', marker=dict(symbol='line-ns-open'), ) ] layout = dict( barmode='overlay', hovermode='closest', legend=dict(traceorder='reversed'), xaxis1=dict(zeroline=False), yaxis1=dict( domain=[0.85, 1], showline=False, showgrid=False, zeroline=False, anchor='free', position=0.0, showticklabels=False, ), ) return Chart(data=data, layout=layout)
[docs]def surface(x, y, z): """Surface plot. Parameters ---------- x : array-like, optional y : array-like, optional z : array-like, optional Returns ------- Chart """ data = [go.Surface(x=x, y=y, z=z)] return Chart(data=data)
[docs]def hist(x, mode='overlay', label=None, opacity=None, horz=False, histnorm=None): """Histogram. Parameters ---------- x : array-like mode : str, optional label : TODO, optional opacity : float, optional horz : bool, optional histnorm : None, "percent", "probability", "density", "probability density", optional Specifies the type of normalization used for this histogram trace. If ``None``, the span of each bar corresponds to the number of occurrences (i.e. the number of data points lying inside the bins). If "percent", the span of each bar corresponds to the percentage of occurrences with respect to the total number of sample points (here, the sum of all bin area equals 100%). If "density", the span of each bar corresponds to the number of occurrences in a bin divided by the size of the bin interval (here, the sum of all bin area equals the total number of sample points). If "probability density", the span of each bar corresponds to the probability that an event will fall into the corresponding bin (here, the sum of all bin area equals 1). Returns ------- Chart """ x = np.atleast_1d(x) if horz: kargs = dict(y=x) else: kargs = dict(x=x) layout = dict(barmode=mode) data = [go.Histogram(opacity=opacity, name=label, histnorm=histnorm, **kargs)] return Chart(data=data, layout=layout)
[docs]def hist2d(x, y, label=None, opacity=None): """2D Histogram. Parameters ---------- x : array-like, optional y : array-like, optional label : TODO, optional opacity : float, optional Returns ------- Chart """ x = np.atleast_1d(x) y = np.atleast_1d(y) data = [go.Histogram2d(x=x, y=y, opacity=opacity, name=label)] return Chart(data=data)
[docs]@pd.api.extensions.register_dataframe_accessor('plotly') @pd.api.extensions.register_series_accessor('plotly') class PandasPlotting: """Pandas plotly charting methods. Examples -------- Here's an example of how to do that. >>> df = pd.DataFrame([[1, 2], [1, 4]]) >>> chart = df.plotly.line() >>> """ def __init__(self, data): """Create the pandas accessor.""" self._data = data if isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame): self._label = data.columns elif isinstance(data, pd.Series): self._label =
[docs] def line( self, label=None, color=None, width=None, dash=None, opacity=None, mode='lines+markers', fill=None, **kargs ): """Create a line chart.""" if label is None: label = self._label return line( x=self._data.index, y=self._data.values, label=label, color=color, width=width, dash=dash, opacity=opacity, mode=mode, fill=fill, **kargs )
[docs] def scatter( self, label=None, color=None, width=None, dash=None, opacity=None, mode='markers', **kargs ): """Create a bar chart. Parameters ---------- label : list of strings, optional list of labels to override column names Returns ------- Chart """ if label is None: label = self._label return scatter( x=self._data.index, y=self._data.values, label=label, color=color, width=width, dash=dash, opacity=opacity, mode=mode, **kargs )
[docs] def bar(self, label=None, mode='group', opacity=None, **kargs): """Create a bar chart. Parameters ---------- label : list of strings, optional list of labels to override column names mode : str, optional 'group' or 'stack' Returns ------- Chart """ if label is None: label = self._label return bar( x=self._data.index, y=self._data.values, label=label, mode=mode, opacity=opacity, **kargs )
[docs] def stack(self, mode='lines', label=None, **kargs): """Create a stacked area plot. Parameters ---------- mode : string, optional label : list of strings, optional list of labels to override column names Returns ------- Chart """ if label is None: label = self._label cum = self._data.cumsum(axis=1) chart = Chart() for lab, (_, ser), (_, orig) in zip(label, cum.iteritems(), self._data.iteritems()): chart += line( x=ser.index, y=ser.values, label=lab, fill='tonexty', mode=mode, text=orig.values, **kargs ) return chart
[docs] def sparklines(self, label=None, mode='lines', percent=90, epsilon=1e-3): """TODO: Docstring for sparklines. Parameters ---------- label : array-like, optional mode : str, optional percent : number, optional Returns ------- Chart """ if label is None: label = self._label div = self._data.max(axis=0) - self._data.min(axis=0) + epsilon center = div / 2.0 + self._data.min(axis=0) normed = (self._data - center) / div normed *= percent / 100.0 offset = np.arange(1, self._data.shape[1] + 1) normed += offset chart = line(x=self._data.index, y=normed, mode=mode, label=label) chart.ytickvals(offset) chart.yticktext(self._data.columns.values) chart.legend(False) return chart